Friday, January 11, 2013

Change is Exciting!!

It is midway through the school year and time for me to evaluate and reflect. I have made many changes and many times fear has accompanied change but no one said it would be easy. As I reflect upon the first semester, I find that I have really learned  a lot and have required project and lessons that engaged my class.
Last semester my best projects included the water park project (I found this project online) and the geometry shapes project (for this project, students found a shape of something on a photo graph and defined the shape and created a problem based on the difinition.)  I was very impressed with some of the work and creativity of the students. I feel that it really helped for students to not only understand the work, but connect the work to a real world situation.

My goals for this semester is to create assessments that require more thought and process. I have several online resouces that will enable me to achieve this goal. The include--share my lesson, teacher pay teacher, ti resources, and gizmos.

I have found other resources that are very engaging and I will be posting video tutorials on the use of this sites-- and
I will be presenting a lesson to teachers at a local conference  about  a free online resource that will enable them to Create and Customize thier Own Textbook (Flexbook)

I am anticipating that 2013 will bring challenges and growth for me as a teacher. My goals this year are to continue to learn new things and upon learning them to put them in practice.

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